In A Nutshell

(1) Winston-Salem

(2) Greensboro

(3) Durham

In More Detail

When you file a bankruptcy (either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13), you will have to attend a 341 Hearing (also called a “Creditors Meeting”).  This hearing will be located in a bankruptcy courthouse in your district and will sever a few purposes. First, you will present yourself in front of the Trustee appointed to your case.  The Trustee will ask you a few mandatory questions followed by questions regarding any possible issues the Trustee sees in your case. Second, the Hearing is a time where the creditors you owe can ask you questions about your situation in an attempt to find issues in your case.  In my experience, it is rare that big-named creditors (such as Wells Fargo, Chase Bank, OneMain Financial, etc.) show up to your Hearing. The creditors who are more likely to come are family, friends, and co-workers. At all times during your Hearing, I as your attorney will be representing and counseling you. 

There are 3 bankruptcy courthouse locations in the Middle District of North Carolina and the one you go to depends on the county in which you live.  

Winston-SalemCabarrus, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Rowan, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Yadkin
Greensboro Alamance, Caswell, Guilford, Montgomery, Randolph, Richmond, Rockingham
Durham Chatham, Durham, Hoke, Lee, Moore, Orange, Person, Scotland